
Kobawoo House, LA

I am proud to introduce more authentic side of Korean food. The dish is called "bo-sam", which means wrap. Main ingredient is pork, my favorite type of meat, and it is prepared in rather unique way. Bo-sam often uses pork belly and boils along with miso and ginger. The meat is so tender and subtle in taste that is completely different than ever popular Korean bacon, or sam-gyup-sal.

Tender pork is served with heavily marinated daikon and fermented shrimp sauce. Then wrapped with chinese cabbage that is prepared in a similar way as how kimchee has been made. All that flavors and textures combined result in my happy tummy. It is the ultimate food pairing session.

Other picture is "jeng ban gook soo", marinated cold noodle on round serving plate. Enjoy the pictures:

698 S. Vermont Ave. #109 Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 389-7300

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