
Beard Papa's

Let's face it, here in america we are in love with big things. We love our big cars, big implants, big stereos, and big televisions. How ironic that the biggest cream puff hails not from america, but from Japan, a country known for producing small gadgets, and thin slivers of raw fish. Beard Papa's is brought to our eager watering mouths by Yuji Hirota who opened up the first Beard Papa's store in Osaka, Japan and since 1999 has opened up many other locations worldwide.

For those of you that have never seen the size of a Beard Papa cream puff just imagine a regular cream filled puff pastry you might find at the dessert section of a buffet. Now take 5 of those puny cream puffs and feed it to the devouring monster that is Beard Papa. Not only is the Beard Papa larger in size than a regular everyday cream puff, it also has a better version of the cream filling. For every bite into its crispy shell, Beard Papa will surrender its rich creamy vanilla filling which spurts itself into your salivating mouth. (no sexual innuendo intended) I dare say it's almost as satisfying as the peach tart that I get from the Japanese pastry shop I visit in Fountain Valley, but more on that later.



Anonymous said...

Hey Hyuk, this is Spencer. I'm going slowly port everything over to fuguhiki.blogspot.com. Just letting you know

h said...

hurray. you're finally leaving that ugly xanga site. i'll visit regularly.