
Fly Catchers

I wait and wait until the fly glides down the room, low enough for me to swing at it. This is no ordinarily house fly. It's a size of basketball, maybe even bigger than that, with all distinct features of fly in place, like a pair of wings with hind wings and compound eyes with thousands of individual lenses, magnified at thousand times. Ryan and I never encounter such insect, or an animal of this kind. We both know that we need to strike hard and quick. The fly seems to be irritated as it buzzes louder as it approaches closer. Baseball bat lands perfectly on its skull(?) and immediately crashes onto the floor. We simultaneously charge towards the fallen fly and kick continuously until fly becomes unconscious.

I woke up as Ryan and I celebrate the capture of giant mutant fly. Ki told me that weird dream like this may be affected by what I ate before I went to sleep. I had double double from In-N-Out that night. I also watched Jung devour two three-by-three as a night snack.

1 comment:

Squiggles said...

They were 3x2s.